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Aikido Summit 2022 is Finally Here, After Unexpected 2-Year Hiatus

Abel Villacorta

Updated: Sep 27, 2022

The Colorado Aikido community is cordially invited to the biggest Aikido event of the decade in Colorado. An exciting line up of seven leading instructors and dozens of aikidoka from across the land will converge at the Aikido Summit this Saturday, October 1, 2022.

Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022 @ Denver Buddhist Temple

Bonus Workshop Friday Eve. Sept. 30 @ Denver Aikikai

Aikido Summit Colorado - the birth of a unique experience

It was the year 2000 and a young Edgar Johansson Sensei—enthused by a ripe decade of training and his insight to the distinctive experiences he'd had with diverse Aikido instructors—manifested a unique Aikido seminar. The vision was of Colorado aikidoka training together to celebrate friendship and respect for one another.

On one day, practitioners of several lineages of Aikido in Colorado would gather to immerse themselves in each others' styles. Led by high-ranking Sensei of many Aikido Dojos in Colorado, practitioners of all ages could come together and feel the unique teachings first hand, all the while becoming aware of a much larger Aikido community than that felt in our own dojos.

Fast forward a couple of decades, the year is 2020, we're on the verge of celebrating 20 years of magnificent training workshops, when unexpectedly, we're all asked to stay at home and stay apart. For the following 2 years, many dojos would close or limit their practice to smaller groups. So we all waited... and waited.

Wait no more. The 20th Anniversary Aikido Summit is finally here!

The time has come for all of us to reunite and train together again. Let's make this 20th Anniversary Aikido Summit a huge success by showing up in great numbers.

Though pre-registration closed on September 21st, aikidoka of all lineages are welcome to join in this great seminar. Simply show up by 8am at the door!



Saturday, October 1st, 2022

8:00 am — Registration begins

8:30 am–4:30 pm — Seminar

Party to follow. Everyone is invited to the potluck party afterwards.

This year's full day of Aikido will headline seven brilliant instructors from five distinct lineages, including two instructors from our very own One Dojo in Boulder, Kei Izawa Sensei, Head Instructor of Aikikai Tanshinjuku, and Abel Villacorta Sensei, Head Instructor of Boulder Ki Aikido.

Aikido Summit moment - Seiji Tanaka Sensei
Seiji Tanaka Sensei perfoming Tomiki-style aikido
  • Seiji Tanaka, 8th dan, Hyland Hill Tomiki Aikido

  • Kei Izawa, 7th dan, Aikikai Tanshinjuku

  • Ron Abo, 6th dan, Denver Buddhist Temple Aikido

  • Eugene Lee, 6th dan, Aikido Shobukan

  • Edgar Johansson, 5th dan, Denver Aikikai

  • Adrianne Wonnacott, 5th dan, Aikido West

  • Abel Villacorta, 4th dan, Boulder Ki Aikido

Tentative Schedule: 20th Anniversary Aikido Summit

8:00–8:30 am Registration

8:30–8:45 am Guided warm-ups

8:45–9:45 am Villacorta Sensei

9:45–9:55 am BREAK

9:55–10:55 am Izawa Sensei

10:55-11:05am BREAK

11:05am–12:15pm Tanaka Sensei/Abo Sensei

12:15–1:15 pm LUNCH

1:15–2:15 pm Wonnacott Sensei

2:15–2:25pm BREAK

2:25–3:25pm Johansson Sensei

3:25–3:35pm BREAK

3:35–4:35pm Lee Sensei

6:00 pm Potluck dinner

Bonus: Additional Friday Night Workshop

The organizers of the Aikido Summit, Denver Aikikai, have added a bonus 1.5 hours of training on Friday evening. Donations for this bonus offering will be accepted, though there is no set charge for these classes.

Denver Aikido will be hosting One Dojo's very own Evolene Premilieu, Yondan Aikikai, as well as two additional Denver Aikikai instructors. Each of these powerful women aikidoka will each teach a half hour class between 6:30-8pm at Denver Aikido.

  • Evolène Prémillieu, yondan

  • Kathy Aguilar-Downing, yondan

  • Gaia Marrs, nidan

Everyone is welcome. There is no need to register. Simply head over to Denver Aikido starting around 6pm on Friday September 30th and join us! Practitioners and guests are invited to join the dinner festivities afterwards.



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One Dojo is a community training space in Boulder, Colorado, bringing together mindful, somatic disciplines that develop unity of mind, body, and spirit. We provide a peaceful, welcoming, and safe environment, for dedicated students seeking life-enhancing practices.


Address: 3005 Sterling Circle, Suite 150, Boulder, CO 80301-2348

Phone: 720-263-1314


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