Start the year off positively. Join us as we gather at One Dojo to bring in the Chinese new year with vision, courage and determination. The ceremony will comprise meditation, breathing, chanting, bell ringing, and a cold-water plunge in Boulder Creek!
Sunday, 28 January 2024 | 7:00 am doors open
Meditation starts at 7:30am. Entire session ends ~ 9:30am
@ One Dojo 3005 Sterling Circle, Suite 150
for complete info on how to prepare for the training

You’re Invited to Join One Dojo in the New Year’s Cold Water Immersion
Anyone currently engaged in Ki training and feeling in good shape is invited to join the lunar new year celebration event at One Dojo.
Sen Shin no Gyo is a Ki training session aiming to align the mind and body – a symbolic and physical ritual to let go of the past and kick off the new year with a clean slate.
Bring along a positive mindset and good Ki energy.
After the ceremony, it's our tradition to head out for breakfast as a community.

Still not quite sure? Dig a little deeper...
Getting Ready for Sen Shin no Gyo
The Process of Chanting & Bell Ringing
What is Japanese Cold Water Training, aka River Misogi?
The Benefits of Cold Immersion Training
What is Misogi?